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200Hrs Yoga TTC

Program Details

200Hrs Yoga Teacher Training – Online & On Campus

Discover the essence of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga & Iyengar Yoga through our comprehensive 200Hrs Yoga Teacher Training in Mumbai. As a matter of fact, the word Ashtanga Yoga simply means ‘Eight limbs of Yoga’.  The first four limbs are 4 steps towards physical wellbeing and the next four limbs are the four steps towards mental wellbeing. The blend of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga with Iyengar methodology forms a unique structure for this training.


Residential – Goa/Hrishikesh/Dharamshala/Mulshi (Available as per the season)

Non-residential – Mumbai & Pune (Available in all seasons)

Benefits of 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course

  1. You’ll gain the skills to enhance your body, mind, and spirit, leading to a better life, relationships, and work.
  2. A new career path awaits, where you can share your wisdom and help others on their wellness paths. Teaching yoga is something you can do anywhere you go.
  3. This unique experience offers not just a deep dive into yoga philosophy and ethics but also hands-on guidance on how to nurture your practice into a thriving business.
  4. You will connect with other like-minded people who will support you on your yogic journey.

200-HR YTTC Schedule:

Type Course Design Week Schedule Time
Home Makers & Fitness Trainers
Monday to Saturday
7.30 am to 11 am
Working Professionals
Monday to Friday
7.30 am to 9 am (Practice Class)
Working Professionals
Saturday & Sunday
7.30 am to 2 pm (Theory & Practical Classes)

Fee structure:

Certification Details Amount Rs.

Online Course

Rs. 25,000 + GST 18%

On-site Course
Rs. 35,000 + GST 18%
Onsite Course + Internship Program
Rs. 40,000 + GST 18%
Non-Residential Course (Inclusive of course fee, study material, lunch, & snacks)
Rs. 40,000 + GST 18%
Residential Course (Inclusive of course fee, study material, accommodation, & food)
Rs. 80,000 + GST 18%




The course syllabus includes:

  • The main style of teaching: Primary series of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga & Iyengar Yoga.

  • An overview of Hatha Flow, Vinyasa Flow, Restorative Yoga, and different Yoga styles.

  • Teaching Methodology with the correct use of Iyengar props.

  • Hand-on adjustment techniques with Iyengar methodology.

  • How to make sequencing for flow classes.

  • Yoga Anatomy: Theory & Applied Anatomy.

  • Yoga Philosophy: Theory and daily self-reflection.

  • Bandha, Mudra & Pranayama techniques.

  • Meditation techniques.

The brief outline of our Yoga Teacher Training Course:

  • Asana, Posture: We focus on creating the right foundation for Yoga in you. It means we teach you all the poses of the Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary Series with the help of yoga props in order to achieve the correct alignment and make it comfortable and stable for you. According to the founder of Yoga Patanjali, this is exactly the definition of Yoga: ‘Sthira Sukham Asanam; that which is stable and comfortable is called asana, posture.’ We teach you the correct method to apply Ujjayi, breath, Drishti, gaze, and Bandhas, energy locks during physical practice.


  • Sanrachna, Anatomy: In this physical part we also teach you the applied and specific anatomy, so that you will have a clear understanding of the basic principles of alignment and its interplay with the forces of physics. It helps you to comprehend your own body and your student’s body in a better way and adjust your yoga practice according to your own body structure. One of the common mistakes people make in the field of alignment-based Yoga is that they think alignment is the same for everyone, which is not true. Everyone’s body is different, hence the technique to align the body will vary from person to person. We’ll teach you how to adjust the techniques of alignment according to the natural variations of different human bodies.


  • Sankriya, Physiology: Applied physiology of the muscles and internal organs in the context of Yoga will be taught to you. Special emphasis will be given to exercise physiology in order to bring about an understanding of stability and flexibility, strength and mobility, and so on. In this section, we’ll also focus on diet and food intake according to your body type and practice.


  • Pranayama, mindfulness of breath: If breath work and awareness is not combined with physical practice then Yoga is just a circus. Hence, we teach you the Yogic techniques of breathing called Pranayama which are designed to deepen and increase the awareness of breath. It is very important to learn these techniques as Yoga teachers because our body, breath, and mind are closely connected. In the context of breath awareness, we also teach you about cleansing processes in Yoga called Kriyas. They work on your physical, emotional and energy bodies and help you release the blockages which makes your body-mind rigid and prevents flexibility.


  • Dhyana, Meditation: Mindfulness of breath leads you to the mindfulness of your thoughts, emotions, and feelings which is called meditation in Yogic literature. We teach easy and scientific techniques of meditation which have no religious connotations. Anyone can practice them with ease and without any special requirements. According to the vision of Asan Yoga, mindfulness or meditation and yoga are scientific techniques to know oneself and have no association with any religion or nation. Our meditations are both dynamic and fun-oriented. Some meditations are combined with movements such as dance, laughter, chanting and some are silent sitting with passive awareness something like Vipassana Meditation. Anybody can dance, celebrate, laugh, meditate, and practice yoga irrespective of their belief, nationality, or background. These beautiful qualities of life are available to all. So we say- ‘Yoga for All’.


  • Vishram, Art of Relaxing: Some easy techniques for relaxing your body and mind will be taught to you which are called ‘Talking to Your Body and Mind’ or traditionally they were termed as ‘Yoga Nidra’.


  • Yoga Darshan, The philosophy of Yoga: In the theoretical part of Yoga Teacher Training we teach you literatures related to Yoga, such as, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, Light on Pranayama, and Light on Yoga and so on. It is advised to the students who are preparing to join Yoga TTC that they should take a look into these books prior to their YTTC.


  • Shikshan, the Art of Teaching: The first two weeks of Yoga Teacher Training have Art of Teaching class, it’s termed as ‘Teaching Methodology’. We’ll teach you the art of becoming a teacher which implies the ability to make a nice presentation of your knowledge, the art of caring for your students and sharing from your heart, learning to observe your students, their difficulties and finding a way to help them remove those difficulties. One of the most important parts of this section is ‘Hands on Adjustment’. Its hand-work, hence needs a lot of practice and sharp observation during these classes. We’ll teach you how to adjust your own body-position and handle the student’s body position during adjusting your students so that it doesn’t injure you as a teacher and helps you maintain the balance during the adjustment in any pose.


  • UdYoga- the Art of Manifesting Abundance (Business skills): You have come to do Yoga Teacher Training Course in the metropolitan cities like  Mumbai & Pune for making a difference in your life and career and to be able to help others who are searching for the right direction. You need to make yourself visible and available for those who are searching for the right path and lifestyle. If you wish for it then we can help you set up your website, social-media and other networks of web marketing and support you in this field. This part of Yoga Teacher Training is optional and provided only on demand because some of the students are already highly skilled in this field before coming to YTTC.

Teaching & Certification

Course Attendance Criteria:

A student must maintain a minimum attendance of 90%.


Student teaching requirements:

  • Throughout the course, students are expected to actively engage in teaching opportunities as the syllabus progresses. They should aim to conduct a minimum of 15 to 20 classes or assist the lead trainer for 30 to 40 hours.


YTTC Guidelines:

  • All submissions and practical exams are conducted during the final week of the course.
  • Study materials are provided both in hard copy and online. Recorded sessions are accessible for a limited time.
  • Certification is based on attendance, assignment submissions, participation in classroom activities, performance in the practical exam as a teacher, and adherence to behavioral expectations.

Our Unique Offerings

  • Experience a unique fusion of Ashtanga and Iyengar yoga.
  • Prioritize injury-free practice with proper utilization of yoga props.
  • Explore a variety of yoga styles such as Hatha vinyasa flow, Restorative yoga, Yin yoga, and Aerial yoga.
  • Access study materials and recorded sessions included in the course fee.
  • Benefit from a 6-month internship program post-training.
  • Receive career guidance and job opportunities with Asan Yoga in Mumbai & Pune.
  • Attain international accreditation through Yoga Alliances.

Upcoming 200Hrs Yoga Teacher Training, Mumbai

Course Date Type of Course Action
21st June to 20th July 2024
Yoga Teacher Training Course, Ashtanga Vinyasa Flow, And 200 Hrs YTTC
1st August to 30th August 2024
Yoga Teacher Training Course, Ashtanga Vinyasa Flow, And 200 Hrs YTTC
21st September to 20th October 2024
Yoga Teacher Training Course, Ashtanga Vinyasa Flow, And 200 Hrs YTTC
1st November to 30th November 2024
Yoga Teacher Training Course, Ashtanga Vinyasa Flow, And 200 Hrs YTTC
2nd January to 31st January 2025
Yoga Teacher Training Course, Ashtanga Vinyasa Flow, And 200 Hrs YTTC
21st February to 20th March 2025
Yoga Teacher Training Course, Ashtanga Vinyasa Flow, And 200 Hrs YTTC


The course spans 200 hours over one month, incorporating both online and on-campus components.

This course enhances physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, leading to improved life, relationships, and career prospects. It also opens up a new career path in teaching yoga.

Classes are conducted from Monday to Saturday, from 6:30 am to 6:00 pm IST, depending on your chosen yoga schedule.

There are no prerequisites for joining the course. It is open to all individuals interested in deepening their understanding of yoga.

The curriculum encompasses various aspects of yoga, including understanding yoga, skill development in areas such as asana, anatomy, physiology, breath work, meditation, relaxation techniques, yoga philosophy, the art of teaching, and business skills.

Yes, a minimum of 90% attendance is required to be eligible for the final certification exams.

Students are given ample time to complete their assignments and practical exams within the training period and internship program.

Upon passing the exam, students receive a Yoga Teacher Training Certificate (200 hours) from Asan Yoga, opening up various avenues in teaching and wellness initiatives.

The course offers a unique blend of Ashtanga and Iyengar yoga methodologies, emphasizes injury-free practice, includes study material in the course fee, provides career guidance, and offers work opportunities with Asan Yoga, Mumbai.

Throughout the training, you will be prepared to become a quality yoga trainer by gaining accurate knowledge and perfecting yoga forms. This training is sufficient to instill confidence in you, making you eligible to establish your own yoga studio.